Koree Brooks assaults boyfriend with knife during argument

33-year-old Koree Brooks had an altercation with her boyfriend, Devinceo Pruitt, at her Antioch Pike apartment late March 19th. Pruitt alerted the authorities, advising that he and Brooks had been arguing on and off all day. Pruitt stated that it escalated when Brooks grabbed a utility knife and swung it at him several times, cutting his arm. Pruitt said he punched her in the face after she cut him. Officers noticed he had a severe laceration on his left bicep, which showed obvious disfigurement. Brooks told them that Pruitt punched and strangled her, so she used the knife in self-defense. Brooks had a minor scrape on her neck and redness in her nose, but there was no visible bruising during the interview.  Brooks was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Koree Brooks charged in assault of her boyfriend after leaving a scratch on his cheek

32-year-old Koree Brooks was jailed on Friday afternoon after trying to fight her boyfriend when he wouldn’t talk to her. Police responded to Heiman Street, where Marcus Mcclam and Brooks were in an argument. They have dated on and off for several months. Koree was reportedly upset that Marcus didn’t want to talk to her. Marcus claims that during the argument, Brooks tried to fight him. Police observed a scratch mark on Marcus’s left cheek. Marcus also said his shirt and hoodie were also torn during the fight. Brooks said she was injured while she was trying to get Marcus off of her. Brooks had a scratch mark on her knuckles on her left hand. Based on the details of the incident from both parties, Brooks was determined as the primary aggressor and taken into custody.