Layer Cake says Jack Zuckowsky is extorting them for $6,000 after taking their Instagram account

One of downtown Nashville’s hottest new concepts, Layer Cake, says downtown resident and already frequent customer, Jack Zuckowsky, is extorting the business for $6,000. #HowdItHappen? They kicked him out for being rowdy, and he took down their Instagram and social media accounts in retaliation. Text messages from the debauchee reveal he offered to restore access to their social media accounts in exchange for a $6,000 rooftop table package. The sweet details are inside…

Wife drags husband out of home to evict him, steps over his injured body to go back inside — Kristian Dukes

Metro Police say 49-year-old Kristian Dukes grabbed her sleeping husband, Brandon Burgett, under his arms and dragged him off the couch and out the door, dropping him onto the ground as she stepped over his injured body on her way back inside. Police documented multiple bruises and lacerations to the victim’s body, and blood on his left foot, which she had attempted to shut in the door. Dukes initially denied ever touching the victim, but later admitted to the struggle, adding she was intoxicated.

The victim states Dukes has been attempting to evict him from the property for a period of time.