DUI: Rachel Hardy blows over double legal limit — 0.1888% BAC

30-year-old Rachel Hardy was found to be the driver of a car that police located at the scene of an accident close to 8 p.m. on August 26th. She told police that she had one beer three hours before the accident. Police reported that her breath smelled of alcohol, and she had other signs of intoxication. She performed poorly on sobriety tests, showing more signs of intoxication, and blew a 0.188% BAC after being booked into custody for DUI.

Antioch man Siegfried Richter charged in aggravated assault of lover

59-year-old Siegfried Richter’s lover told police, after they arrived at the residence on China Grove Aly in Antioch, that he was drinking before he became irate with her earlier in the night of August 26th. Siegfried’s girlfriend, Esthelle Beck, also told police that he started breaking furniture in the house, and she locked herself in a bedroom. She said that Siegfried made suicidal and homicidal comments towards himself and her. After he grabbed a knife, he continued making comments and then attempted to break down the door to the bedroom Esthelle was in by kicking and stabbing it. Police noticed the destroyed furniture as well as the kitchen knife in the door. Siegfried refused to speak to the police about the situation and would not cooperate with them. He was determined as the primary aggressor and arrested for domestic assault.

Tourist Nick Rourke jailed after being too drunk for downtown Nashville

27-year-old Nicholas Rourke was kicked out of Tootsie’s and refused to leave on August 5th. Trooper Michael Hickmon was flagged down by a Tootsie’s security guard, who said Nicholas was kicked out 30 minutes prior but did not want to leave. The trooper made contact with Nicholas and noticed clear signs of intoxication. Nicholas told police that he was asked to leave earlier but remained on the property. He was asked by the trooper to leave multiple times but kept speaking nonsense to the trooper. After he stumbled twice, Nicholas was asked to find or call his friends, but he refused. Due to him being a nuisance and a danger to himself, he was jailed for public intoxication.

Brock Gibson jailed after grabbing woman’s butt, another’s vagina, at Tequila Cowboy

40-year-old Brock Gibson reportedly grabbed a woman’s butt and another woman’s vagina outside Tequila Cowboy on August 26th. The woman, Delaina Young, told police after they were flagged down outside Honky Tonk Central that she felt someone grab her butt as she was walking outside the Tequila Cowboy. She turned around and saw Brock standing behind her, then watched him grab another woman “by the v*gina”. Witness Shacarolyn Alexander said that she watched Brock grab Delaina’s butt and the other woman’s vagina. The other woman walked away and was not present to report on the situation. Police made contact with Brock, who showed signs of being visibly intoxicated. He was placed into custody for sexual battery and public intoxication. While in transport, Brock spit on the back window of the patrol car and then vomited in the back seat. Police pulled him out of the vehicle and waited for Brock to feel okay before continuing transport. After they resumed transporting Brock, he puked all over the back of the car again.

Tourist Ryan Horgan found drunk, disorderly, and confused at Schermerhorn Symphony Center

28-year-old Ryan Horgan was found by MNPD officers and NFD outside Nashville Schermerhorn Symphony Center lying on the sidewalk on August 26th. Ryan was unable to stand on his own and the officers could not locate his friends. He also refused medical attention and could not tell police where he was staying. During the investigation, police could smell alcohol on his breath and determined he was intoxicated by his actions, so he was placed into custody for public intoxication.