Shawn Neely kicks cousin’s door down, punches her in face during altercation

28-year-old Shawn Neely had a domestic altercation with his cousin, Brooke Livesay, at their residence on July 15th. Livesay called officers back to the location following a related incident where she was assaulted but declined prosecution. Livesay stated after the police left, she walked around the block. Then, when she returned to the house, Shawn was in the kitchen. After seeing Shawn, Livesay went to her room and locked the door. Livesay said Shawn started banging on her door, telling her he had stuff in the room. When Livesay refused to open the door, he busted the door down. Shawn then punched Livesay in the mouth, leaving swelling and bruising on her lips. She then explained that Shawn pushed her into a corner cabinet hanging from her wall. By doing so, Shawn broke it and left a visible injury on her forehead. Livesay also stated Shawn destroyed a lamp, a keyboard, and a mouse, totaling around $150 in damages.
Shawn’s mom, Donna Neely, told officers she saw him kick the door down and enter the room. Donna added that Livesay came out of the room and hit Shawn, to which he responded by attacking her. After several attempts, officers could not reach Shawn. They deemed him the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for his arrest. Shawn Neely was later taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on July 26th.

Helen Skye Maxwell hits ex-boyfriend in forehead with wine bottle at The Moxy Hotel

33-year-old Helen Skye Maxwell had a domestic disturbance with her ex-boyfriend, Craig David Benham, at The Moxy Hotel on 3rd Avenue South late July 25th. Maxwell called 911, stating that Benham had “assaulted and choked” her. When officers arrived, Maxwell did not want to provide a statement. Maxwell only said that she and Benham had a dispute, during which wine and vodka were thrown around the room. Benham told officers he was lying in bed when Maxwell started arguing with him for no reason. Then, he added that she threw a bucket of water on him and hit him in the forehead with a wine bottle. Maxwell was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Mercy Medina-Guzman beats ex-girlfriend’s car with rock threatening her to get back together

23-year-old Mercy Medina Guzman had a domestic altercation with her ex-girlfriend, Harlen Romero Ocampo, at her Radnor Street residence on July 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Ocampo, who said she was getting gas when Guzman noticed her and followed her home. Ocampo added that Guzman started beating her car with both fists and a rock. Then, Ocampo told officers that Guzman grabbed her tightly and said, “Either you and I are getting back together, or I’m going to cause trouble with anybody you get with.” After this, Ocampo called 911, and Guzman left the area before officers arrived. Officers observed scratches on Ocampo and blood on her shirt, consistent with her statement. A warrant was then issued for Guzman’s arrest. Guzman was later taken into custody for vandalism and domestic assault on July 25th.

Demontraius Smelley assaults girlfriend while trying to get her wallet

30-year-old Demontraius Smelley was involved in a domestic disturbance with Kyra Baker at her Elliston Street residence on July 20th. Officers were dispatched to the residence on July 21st, and they made contact with Baker. Baker stated that she and Smelley got into an altercation the day before their arrival. She went on to tell officers that Smelley put his hands around her neck and pushed her. According to Baker, Smelley did all this to get her wallet and then left after succeeding. Officers later spoke with neighbors who informed them that they heard screaming and yelling around the time of the altercation. Smelley was later found and taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on July 25th

Katelyn Hartley punches mother holding her baby during family argument

25-year-old Katelyn Hartley had a domestic incident with her mother, Freddie Spencer, at their Baker Road residence on July 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hartley, who initially stated that Spencer had taken her daughter, Juliet, while irate. Hartley further explained that she had argued with her grandmother, Brenda Winn. Hartley added that Spencer was trying to reach her, and Romario Santiago-Lloyd, Hartley’s boyfriend, was bringing her home. Hartley said that Spencer came outside, which sparked an argument that led to her punching Spencer. After this, Hartley said she had called an Uber and gathered her belongings. Hartley then realized Juliet was quiet, so she started searching for her. Then, once she noticed Spencer and Juliet were gone, she alerted the authorities.

Spencer, who arrived during the interview, spoke with officers and told them she was watching Juliet. Then, she stated that she overheard Winn and Hartley arguing outside. Spencer said she advised Hartley that she did not want Santiago-Lloyd on their property. Hartley responded by punching Spencer, who was holding Juliet at the time. Spencer told officers that she did not wish to press charges.

Santiago-Lloyd returned to the scene and spoke with the police. He told them he had picked Hartley up from her job at Hooters and brought her home. Santiago-Lloyd said he was talking to Hartley in the front yard when Winn pulled in speeding. Then, he said Hartley started arguing with Winn when Spencer exited the residence. Santiago-Lloyd stated this led to Spencer and Hartley arguing. He then explained that he looked down at his phone to start recording, but when he looked up, Hartley’s arm was coming back, so he did not see the attack. Hartley was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Isaiah Mosley pulls pants down, screams “Mom, fuck me in the a**!” after assaulting girlfriend while high on acid

19-year-old Isaiah Mosley had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Zoey Giuliano, at her Delta Avenue residence on July 26th. When officers arrived, they observed Mosley at the front door with his pants and underwear down around his ankles. Mosley was ringing the doorbell multiple times and began hitting it. Then, officers detained him and assisted him back into his clothing. As officers did this, Mosley exclaimed, “Mom, fuck me in the a**!” Giuliano told police that Mosley had exposed himself multiple times, removing his clothes. Then, she added that he had taken acid. While Giuliano waited for officers to arrive, Mosley had become irate, telling her that she was going “insane” and was “trippin.” Giuliano further explains that when she tried calming Mosley down, he snatched her necklace from her neck and punched her in the face. After this, she said he shoved her to the ground, where he was hit and kicked her.  After officers observed her visible injuries, they spoke with Derrick Reid, a witness, who stated he saw the attack occurring from his RING doorbell camera and corroborated Giuliano’s statements. Mosley was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault and public indecency.

Real Estate Agent Robert Weigel assaults ex-wife during child custody exchange

43-year-old Real Estate Agent Robert Farris Weigel had a domestic altercation with his ex-wife, Megan Monette, during a child custody exchange at Richland Park on July 4th. On July 5th, Monette went to the Family Safety Center to report the incident. She advised officers that Weigel had visitation from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. for the holiday. Monette added that some of the past exchanges had not gone well, so she started recording them. Monette further explained that their 5-year-old daughter dislikes going with Weigel and often refuses. According to Monette, Weigel got angry when she tried to film the exchange using her cell phone. Weigel put his face up to the phone and grabbed it out of her hand, causing her fingers to become sore. She then said he bumped into her and stepped on her foot while attempting to pull their daughter from her hands, putting her in fear. She provided footage of the occurrence to police, corroborating her statements. Officers then obtained a warrant for Weigel’s arrest that day. Weigel was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 24th.

Charles Hardin Jr. punches 13-year-old sister in face during argument over food

20-year-old Charles Eugene Hardin Jr. caused a domestic disturbance with his mother, Victoria Hardin, and his 13-year-old sister at their 25th Avenue North residence late July 24th. The neighbors observed Victoria and Charles having a heated argument over the attack, prompting them to call the police. When they arrived, they spoke with Victoria, who told them that she did not see the attack but that her daughter and Sierra Blount, a witness, said Charles had punched her. Blount added that she heard Victoria and Charles arguing, so she went to see what was happening. Victoria stated this was when she saw Charles punch his 13-year-old sister in the face. His sister provided the same story, saying she argued with Charles over food. She stated the argument escalated when he struck her, leaving a bruise on her cheek. Charles denied hitting his little sister during the argument. Charles Hardin Jr. was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 25th.

De’Vonte Brown resists arrest after assaulting woman at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital

21-year-old De’Vonte Samuel Brown had a domestic incident with Mariciana Scott at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt on July 24th. Upon arrival, officers separated them and noticed Scott was very angry and distraught, with her shirt ripped in half. Scott then stated that she and Brown had a heated argument. Scott told police that Brown grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her hair. When officers spoke with Brown, he told them that she was wearing his shirt during their dispute, so he ripped it. Brown was then deemed the primary aggressor. When officers went to detain Brown, he became resistive, stiffening his arms up and placing them under his body until they could arrest him. Brown was then taken into custody for resisting arrest and domestic assault.

Alicia Eby-McDermott drunkenly assaults roommate, damages his $1,500 guitar during altercation

35-year-old Alicia Eby-McDermott had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Russell Perkins, at their Fall Street residence after midnight on November 11th, 2023. Perkins told responding officers that Eby-McDermott, who was heavily intoxicated, began to strike him repeatedly and grabbed him. He recorded the incident and showed the footage to the police. In the recording, officers observed Eby-McDermott burst into his room yelling. Eby-McDermott then jumped on the bed, attempting to hit him. Once Perkins tried exiting the bedroom, she wrapped her arms around his legs, appearing as if she were trying to knock him down. Perkins added that he felt she was grabbing him to hurt him. Another video showed Eby-McDermott striking Perkins and his cell phone several times before he could get away from her, leaving a red abrasion on his lower left chest. After retrieving his dog and personal items, he stayed at a friend’s house for the evening. Perkins further explained that she had chipped the face of his rare collection Guild guitar, which was valued at $1,500. A warrant was obtained for Eby-McDermott’s arrest that day. Eby-McDermott was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 24th, 2024.

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