Donterries Holloway strangles, drags girlfriend by hair into apartment during argument

20-year-old Donterries Holloway was involved in numerous domestic altercations with Sadae Robinson, his girlfriend and roommate, while at their Claiborne Street residence on July 28th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Robinson, who initially claimed she wanted Holloway out of her home. Robinson added that there were no threats of violence or any physical violence. Holloway was at the residence looking for his phone, but eventually fled. This made Robinson upset, and she proceeded to change her story, claiming that Holloway had pushed her and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her around the house. Officers noticed a hole in the front of her shirt that appeared ripped before she admitted it came from Holloway. Robinson had no injuries and informed officers that she wanted her house and car keys back from Holloway.

A few days later, on July 30th,  Holloway had gotten into another domestic altercation with Robinson at the same residence. Camera footage shows the two arguing because Holloway would not return Robinson’s phone. The cameras also captured Holloway in the doorway, grabbing Robinson and pushing her to the ground. Holloway then proceeded to grab Robinson by the hair and drag her inside the residence. After this, Robinson pushed Holloway off of her before she knocked on the neighbor’s door. At this time, Holloway then went back out of the home and grabbed Robinson by the throat. However, after they struggle for a few seconds, he lets go of her throat and walks back inside the residence.

When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Robinson and noticed her ripped shirt and that her face was starting to swell. When asked, She told officers that she had been strangled but did not lose consciousness and could breathe. Robinson also told officers that Holloway fled the scene before they arrived but claimed that Holloway had stolen her phone. Officers tracked and received the phone at a Dollar General on Lafayette Street. Footage from the dollar generator also shows Holloway in possession of the phone. There were several witnesses who all informed officers they saw Holloway grab and push Robinson to the ground. A warrant was issued, and Holloway was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault, aggravated assault, and property theft on July 31st.

Cornelius Moses Jr. strangles minor girlfriend after being confronted for texting another minor

18-year-old Cornelius Moses Jr. was involved in a domestic altercation with his minor intimate partner and roommate at their Carroll Street residence on July 8th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the minor, who stated that she and Moses Jr. had gotten into an argument due to him texting another minor on his phone. During the argument, Moses Jr. vandalized her room by destroying her TV, ripping the drawers out of her dresser, and throwing her clothes all over the room. After this, the minor informed officers that Moses Jr. strangled her for three minutes as well, but she did not lose consciousness. The minor also alleges that when she tried to call 911, Moses Jr. took her phone and destroyed it, preventing her from calling emergency services. The minor then used her sister’s phone to call 911 before going outside. She claimed that when they went outside, Moses Jr. had a black Glock 19 in his hand and threatened to shoot her before fleeing.

Officers then spoke with the minor’s little sister, who told officers she heard a commotion while using the bathroom. When she entered the bedroom, she claimed that she had observed Moses Jr. throwing her sister’s items all around their bedroom. The sister claims she then witnessed Moses Jr. punching her sister in the arms and body before he got on top of her and began strangling her. The sister also confirmed that Moses Jr. did have a handgun in his pocket and informed officers that she heard Moses Jr. threaten to shoot her sister. Officers then spoke with the mother of the two minors, Shawnoah Philips, who claimed that while she was asleep, she heard someone yelling her name. Philips informed officers that she ran upstairs and saw Moses Jr. destroying her daughter’s room. After this, Philips claims to have observed Moses Jr. get on top of her daughter and begin punching her before she saw Moses Jr. take her phone and smash it. Philips also said that her daughter attempted to get into a car when they eventually went outside. However, Moses Jr. prevented her from doing so by shutting the door. Philips also informed officers that she saw Moses Jr. flee the scene but could not confirm if she saw a weapon during the incident. The minor called Moses Jr. while officers were on the scene, and they began arguing as she tried to get his location. Moses Jr. was heard calling the minor an “opp” and other obscenities before he spoke with officers. Moses Jr. then claimed he would return to the location and “take his charges.” Moses Jr. never came back to the area, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest. Moses Jr. was later found and taken into custody for vandalism, interference with an emergency call, and aggravated assault on July 18th.

D’Andre Daniels tries to fight younger brother after playing basketball

24-year-old D’Andre Daniels was involved in a domestic altercation with his juvenile brother at their Fain Street residence at 11:50 p.m. on July 1st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Daniels’ younger brother. He stated that while outside, he and Daniels began tossing around a basketball and that Daniels started yelling obscenities, trying to provoke him into an argument. The juvenile then claims that Daniels threw the basketball hard at him, striking his chest. Daniels then began yelling more profanity and threatened to fight his younger brother when he asked why he did that. Proceeding with this, their eldest brother, Anthony Washington, confronted Daniels because Washington felt that the juvenile’s safety was in jeopardy. Washington told Daniels to step outside if he wanted to fight another grown adult instead of a juvenile, and the two bumped chests.

Daniels’ younger brother told officers that this was when he got their mother, Aiesha Daniels, who attempted to separate the two older brothers. Aiesha didn’t think she could stop them if they fought, so she called the police. Anthony and Daniels then went their separate ways, and the juvenile grabbed the basketball off the floor so that Daniels could no longer hit him with it. Upset by this, Daniel took the basketball and threatened the juvenile with another fight, calling him profanities again. Daniels proceeded to shoulder check, push, and get into the juvenile’s face. The juvenile also told officers that he was in fear of bodily injury as he thought Daniels was going to punch him. Officers then spoke with Washington, who stated that he witnessed Daniels’s shoulder check, push, and threaten the juvenile during their altercation. When officers spoke and asked Daniels what happened, he only claimed that “words were exchanged.” Due to the statements made, Daniels was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: John Todd found asleep in car after causing crash, tells police he needs to “make changes in his life”

66-year-old John Todd was seen driving under the influence after a vehicle collision on a parked car near Music Valley Drive on July 3rd. Officers were flagged down by personnel, and when they arrived, they spoke with the victim. The victim stated that Todd appeared to be intoxicated and was asleep in his vehicle. Officers observed Todd sleeping in the driver’s seat with the car off. Officers then woke up Todd, and while speaking with him, he admitted to drinking alcohol before driving his vehicle. Todd also admitted to having too much to drink and told officers he thought he could drive. Todd then admitted to causing damage to the victim’s vehicle. Todd informed officers that as he was making a turn, he must have made it too tight, causing damage to the passenger side of the victim’s vehicle. Officers observed damage to Todd’s vehicle as well as a flat tire. While officers spoke with Todd, they immediately smelled alcohol coming from him and his vehicle, as well as his slurred speech. Officers then asked Todd to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. However, he performed poorly on all tests that were given. Todd then agreed to a breathalyzer test, and the result came back as .100% BAC. However, officers noted that Todd’s BAC was probably higher when the incident occurred, as the accident had happened an hour before the officers arrived. Todd told officers that he needs to “make changes in his life” so he would not drink and drive like he did. Todd was then deemed intoxicated, and he was taken into custody for DUI.

Nicola Spillman violates order of protection in place for woman and child

35-year-old Nicola Spillman was served an order of protection on March 15th. On June 5th, around 3 a.m., while officers were on a separate call for service, they looked up Nicola and Kanestria Spillman through NCIC, who were together at the time, and discovered that Kanestria has an active order of protection against Nicola, that does not expire until March 19th, 2027, which was verified with Summit Ohio County Sheriff’s Office. When officers arrived and tried to arrest Nicola, Kanestria became very argumentative, telling them she would be waiting outside the Night Court Commissioner’s office upon her release. Kanestria added that she would pick her up, and they would leave to return to Ohio. Officers later found that there was a child in the vehicle who was also on the order of protection. Nicola Spillman was taken into custody for an order of protection violation on June 5th.

Brandon Smith aggressively swerves around traffic on I-40, tells police he was “just trying to get home.”

31-year-old Brandon Smith was speeding in his black 2020 Land Rover Range Rover on I-40 on December 30th, 2023. Officers observed  Smith swerving around traffic aggressively and at high speeds. The vehicle was then seen slowing down on Murfreesboro Pike and aggressively turning to get onto the I-40 ramp. When officers came into contact with Smith, he stated that he didn’t do anything wrong and was trying to get home. Officers cited Smith for the violation that day. Smith was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on May 1st, 2024.

Dayton Unger strangles girlfriend, tells police “whatever she says happened is what happened”

25-year-old Dayton Unger had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Ivy Cook, at his Terry Place residence in the early hours of April 22nd. When officers arrived, Unger walked up to speak with them, holding his hands out, knowing he was about to go to jail. He stated while at the Tequila Cowboy, he and Cook argued because he was upset for “unknown reasons,” adding that he was feeling intoxicated at this point.

Unger said he went to the parking garage, where bystanders calmed him down before he and Cook drove to his house. When they arrived, he advised another argument ensued, where he picked up a chair and hit her windshield, destroying it. Unger admitted to placing his hand around her throat and squeezing for approximately 5 seconds. He said that during this, he let go of her, causing her to fall to the ground. The neighbors observed this and confronted Unger, telling him he would attack him if he continued to assault her.

Officers spoke with Cook, who corroborated Unger’s statements, adding that he could not get inside when they arrived at his house. Then she said they argued, and he went around the back, where she heard a loud noise, which she later discovered was him shattering her windshield with a chair. She said that he pushed her to the ground and strangled her, leaving visible marks. Ring camera footage showed Unger grabbing a chair, but it didn’t capture Unger strangling Cook. He repeatedly told the police that whatever Cook says happened is what happened . She was then transported to Summit Hospital for medical treatment, and Unger was transported to booking.

DUI: Laura Nieves swerves out of lane after drinking bottle of Corona

35-year-old Laura Nieves swerved left, out of her travel lane, and nearly collided with another vehicle on Bell Road in the early hours of April 12th. Officers were patrolling the area near Couchville Pike when they observed this, so they initiated a traffic stop and noticed she showed signs of impairment. Additionally, officers saw a case of Corona on the passenger seat, an empty Corona bottle on the floor with liquid spilled around it, and another opened, half-full Corona behind the passenger seat. Nieves told officers she was coming from JB’s Pour House, where she went after leaving work. She reeked of alcohol as she consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After officers read implied consent to Nieves, she refused to provide a chemical sample. Nieves was taken into custody for an implied consent violation, an open container violation, and driving under the influence.

David Sharp strangles girlfriend because she wants to see her daughter

49-year-old David Sharp was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Candice Briggs, at Aaronwood Drive on April 8th. Officers arrived and made contact with Briggs inside the house, hugging a chair and crying. Candice was asked what happened but would continue to lie on the ground and cry. Candice eventually spoke to officers and told them that an issue had been going on for a few days and that she had called before. However, this address has not contacted law enforcement in the last 48 hours. Candice explained that an argument started when she told Sharp she wanted to see her daughter. When the couple got back home, they consumed some alcoholic beverages. During the argument, Sharp slammed Candice’s head on the ground. Candice also told officers that Sharp strangled her, which made her blackout. A medic on the scene observed Briggs’s injuries and saw redness around Candice’s neck and chest, a long scratch on her neck, as well as broken nails on her fingers. Sharp told officers that there was a verbal argument, but the only time that he put his hands on her was when he helped her from the car because she was intoxicated. David Sharp was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and aggravated assault.

DUI: Samuel Pimentel flips car during crash, tells police “I F*cked up”

26-year-old Samuel Pimentel had a single-vehicle accident on Elm Hill Pike in the early hours of March 26th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Brandi Johnson, who stated she witnessed the vehicle leave the roadway, hit a mailbox, and flip over. She added that she approached it while two other males began to help Pimentel, who was stuck inside. Johnson advised that Pimentel was the only one in the vehicle. Officers spoke with Pimentel and noticed he was visibly intoxicated. He told them that his leg hurt from the accident, so when they asked him to take sobriety tests, he refused. Officers informed Pimentel of implied consent, and he declined to provide a chemical sample. Pimentel was detained, during which he almost fell on the ground entering the car, making statements such as: “I f*cked up” and “I am a piece of sh*t,” but would not specify why. Pimentel stated he understood why he was being punished, and when officers asked if he was the only one driving, he said, “Maybe, maybe not.” He told them that he was by himself all night and was on the way to Missouri from South Carolina for training and only stopped in Nashville for the day. Officers confirmed that Pimentel was the vehicle’s registered owner but repeatedly stated he did not know how it happened. Pimentel was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.