Mitzie Riley knocks man off motorcycle with her car in road rage incident

53-year-old Mitzie Riley was jailed on Thursday evening after police say she purposely rear-ended a motorcycle at a red light on Old Hickory Boulevard. Matthew Morrow was not injured but had visible damage to his motorcycle. Officers made contact with two third-party witnesses on the scene who stated Morrow and Riley were in a road rage incident. It seemed Riley was upset with the motorcycle weaving through traffic and purposely used her vehicle as a weapon to knock Morrow off his motorcycle.

Matthew Morrow brandishes bow & arrow at stepfather after argument

18-year-old Matthew Morrow argued with his stepfather, Matthew Armstrong, on August 6th. Armstrong told MNPD officers that earlier that day, they argued that Morrow left the house through the garage. He said he thought Morrow had run away but noticed the garage door still open, so he checked it out. When he entered the garage, he saw Morrow with a bow and arrow drawn towards him, then fled for safety. He called the police, and they arrived to see Morrow inside the garage, still holding the bow and arrow. They questioned him, and he stated that he was upset with Armstrong and entered the garage with the weapon in his possession. He cooperated with all demands and excitedly told them he drew the bow on Armstrong. Armstrong told police that he did not wish to prosecute, but the police had probable cause to arrest Morrow anyway for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.