Raphael Jobehdari shoots & kills man after stealing mother’s car

18-year-old Raphael Jobehdari refused to give his mother, Maricely Valdes, her keys back on July 4th. On July 5th, Valdes told officers that on July 3rd, her car keys were in her purse, and she noticed later that evening that they were missing. She further explained that on July 4th, she saw Jobehdari with her keys in her hand, so she asked for them back. However, he would not return the keys to her. Valdes stated that she had not seen her keys since, adding that she and Jobehdari had been back and forth from their residence. Valdes added that she had asked several times for her car keys, but Jobehdari did not return them. She said that he had never been allowed to use her car. A warrant was then issued for his arrest that day.

Later, On July 18th, Jobehdari was speeding on Dickerson Pike. Officers noticed him going 52 mph in a 40 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop at Moss Trail. When the police approached the vehicle, they smelled a strong odor of marijuana. They observed Jobehdari showing nervous behavior, avoiding eye contact, sweating profusely, and moving excessively. After Jobehdari gave officers his identification, the passenger stated that the car belonged to her mother and didn’t know where the registration was. Officers asked her and Jobehdari if there was any more marijuana in the vehicle due to the smell. The passenger said the marijuana was in the armrest, which was when Jobehdari changed his posture as if he were about to drive away. After this, the police instructed them to exit the vehicle. Jobehdari then pulled off, heading south on Dickerson Pike at a high rate of speed, and nearly struck a driver in the process. Officers later discovered that he had an outstanding warrant for theft. Additional warrants were then issued for Jobehdari’s arrest that day.

On August 31st, at 6:30 p.m., Jobehdari was captured on video driving to Zeppelin Phillips’s Hallbourogh Way residence in his blue Mazda 3. While at the location, Jobehdari shot Phillips twice. Phillips was transported to the hospital and was later pronounced deceased. Then, on September 1st, a search warrant was executed at Jobehdari’s Carl Miller Drive residence. Officers located the vehicle and gun used in the homicide during their search. Officers also found text messages between Jobehdari and Phillips showing them arranging a gun transaction. Phillips paid Jobehdari $440 on Cash App before Jobehdari shot him. Another warrant was issued for Jobehdari’s arrest. Jobehdari was later taken into custody for theft, reckless driving, evading arrest with a motor vehicle, and criminal homicide on September 2nd.

Jeremiah Martinez-Rembert crashes into car with motorcycle while racing his brother on Old Hickory Boulevard

18-year-old Jeremiah Martinez-Rembert was seen racing his brother, Kalib Gilbert, through red lights on Old Hickory Boulevard on August 10th. Officers arrived at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Lebanon Dirt Road in response to a car crash. Officers arrived and spoke with one of the involved parties, Joan Richman. She stated that she had gotten struck by a motorcycle when she had a green light to travel through the intersection. Officers then made contact with David Hollandsworth, who advised he was two vehicles behind the incident. He stated he watched the motorcycle travel through the red light and hit Richman’s car. Another witness, John Sanders, stated he was three cars behind the incident. He said he observed a silver sedan driven by Gilbert racing Rembert, who was on the motorcycle through red lights. Once officers made contact with Rembert, they cited him for the violation that day. Rembert was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 26th.

Kalib Gilbert causes crash while racing brother in silver sedan on Old Hickory Boulevard

18-year-old Kalib Gilbert was seen racing his brother, Jeremiah Martinez-Rembert, through red lights on Old Hickory Boulevard on August 10th. Officers arrived at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Lebanon Dirt Road in response to a car crash. Officers arrived and spoke with one of the involved parties, Joan Richman. She stated that she had gotten struck by a motorcycle when she had a green light to travel through the intersection. Officers then made contact with David Hollandsworth, who advised he was two vehicles behind the incident. He stated he watched the motorcycle travel through the red light and hit Richman’s car. Another witness, John Sanders, stated he was three cars behind the incident. He said he observed a silver sedan driven by Gilbert racing Rembert, who was on the motorcycle through red lights. Once officers made contact with Gilbert, they cited him for the violation that day. Gilbert was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 26th.

La’Darion Johnson speeds away from police in Dodge Charger at 70 mph in 35 mph zone during assault investigation

22-year-old La’Darion Johnson was speeding through Crowe Drive in a black Dodge Charger on July 30th. While officers were investigating an aggravated assault case, Johnson, who was driving the Charger, was alleged to be involved. When officers attempted to make contact with Johnson, he sped away. MCPD’s air unit followed Johnson as he circled the area at a high speed. Johnson was observed going 70 mph in a 35 mph zone and failing to stop at stop signs. When officers came into contact with Johnson, he was at the initial residence where the aggravated assault case occurred. While Johnson was there, it was reported that he had become aggressive when the victim accused him of having “Pulled a pistol” on him. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Johnson was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 23rd.

DUI: Delvin Vicente Requena nearly hits police car head-on while driving on wrong side of road

34-year-old Delvin-Osmar Vicente Requena drove into an oncoming traffic lane on Main Street in the early hours of August 26th. While traveling, officers observed a silver SUV, later identified as driven by Requena, moving toward their patrol car. The police report stated they attempted several times to avoid a head-on collision. After Requena passed the police car, they activated their sirens and tried initiating a traffic stop. Officers noted that Requena was slow to react but eventually pulled over. When the police approached Requena, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Officers tried conducting sobriety tests via language line, but they were unsuccessful. When asked, Requena could not provide them with a driver’s license and gave them his ID card. Requena eventually performed poorly on sobriety tests and was detained for the incident. Later, prior to police stopping Requena, an off-duty police officer stated that Requena drove towards him head-on, presenting disregard for the life and property of others. Requena was taken into custody for reckless driving, no driver’s license, and driving under the influence- 2nd offense.

Paige Vaughn speeds away from police in her Kia Optima on John A Merritt Boulevard at 53 mph

20-year-old Paige Vaughn was seen speeding in a white Kia Optima on John A Merritt Boulevard on April 18th. Officers observed Vaughn driving through a crosswalk while someone was walking across. When officers attempted to pull Vaughn over, she sped up and started driving at 53mph in a 25mph zone before slowing down. Officers cited her for the violation that day. Vaughn was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 23rd.

Raina Williams speeds down Briley Parkway at 90 mph in Toyota Camry

19-year-old Raina Williams was speeding in her black Toyota Camry down Briley Parkway South late August 21st. Officers noticed the Camry and followed it, during which they paced it going 90 mph in a 55-mph zone and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the Toyota, they identified Williams behind the wheel. The police intended to issue her a citation. However, they were informed that Williams was about to move to New York for school, so they performed a custodial arrest instead. Williams was taken into custody for reckless driving on August 22nd.

Sandra Martinez booked after speeding down I-65 North, tells officers she was “late for work”

29-year-old Sandra Servin Martinez was speeding on I-65 North near Harding Place on July 15th. Officers observed Martinez going 84 mph in a 65 mph zone and following vehicles at an unsafe distance, so they conducted a traffic stop. Martinez was slow to respond to officers attempting to pull her over. During the stop, Martinez told officers she had no driver’s license and could only provide a Mexican Consular card. She also stated she was “late for work”, explaining that she was not paying attention and could not hear their sirens. Martinez was then cited for the incident that day. Martinez was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 12th.

Makayla Usher hits TSU security officer with her car while fleeing police

23-year-old Makayla Usher struck a security officer, Emad Kamil, with her brown Nissan Altima at the Tennessee State University Campus late August 6th. The police report stated that Usher attempted to enter the campus through the Alameda Street and 33rd Avenue North intersection but was denied entry because she needed to provide proper identification. Then, Usher continued to enter the premises and parked her vehicle in the Eppse parking lot. While officers were investigating, Kamil gave them a description of Usher’s vehicle. At this point, they noticed Usher driving towards them, so Kamil stepped out and signaled her to stop. However, Usher disregarded his commands and hit him with her vehicle. Then, officers tried conducting a traffic stop on Usher. Despite this, she refused to stop and proceeded to speed off on Alameda Street and Albion Street, out of their view. The police later discovered that Usher’s license had been suspended. A warrant was obtained for her arrest on August 7th. Usher was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, evading arrest by motor vehicle, and driving with a suspended license on August 8th.

Geran Yelleh gives officer Togolese passport after speeding down I-24 West in Hyundai Elantra at 90 mph

20-year-old Geran Manyodewa Yelleh was observed speeding in his red Hyundai Elantra on I-24 West near Harding Place on July 8th. Officers noticed Yelleh going 90 mph in a 70 mph zone. Officers observed Yelleh changing lanes aggressively without a turning signal. In response, officers conducted a traffic stop. During the stop, Yelleh admitted to not having a license and handed them a Togolese Passport. Yelleh did not have insurance for his Hyundai Elantra, a license plate, and did not have any registration documentation. Yelleh was then cited for the occurrence that day. Yelleh was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 5th.

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