Teen Matthew Walker in Michael Myers mask jailed after pretending to stab people in downtown Nashville

18-year-old Matthew Walker was jailed Friday night after alarming citizens on the streets of downtown Nashville. Police say the teen, who was armed with a prop knife and wearing a Michael Myers costume, walked up to strangers and acted as if he were stabbing them. Walker says he was just having fun and was attempting to scare people in the costume. Metro Nashville Police says he intended to cause “public alarm” and took him into custody, charging him with disorderly conduct. 

Tourist Rury Wylie jailed after disorderly behavior outside of Barstool Nashville

27-year-old tourist Rury Wylie was attempting to fight other patrons outside of Barstool Nashville in downtown Nashville late Friday night when police observed him displaying an extended middle finger in an attempt to start altercations. He then began to yell at a nearby Taxi, even leaning his body onto the vehicle to obstruct it. Due to his level of intoxication and behavior, Wylie was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Samika Cohen charged with aggravated assault after shooting at husband; “Go ahead and shoot me!”

48-year-old Samika Cohen was jailed Tuesday afternoon after an argument with her husband turned violent at their home on Waterford Way. Samika told police that her husband, Jameel Cohen, left for a short time after an argument, and when he came back inside, he head-butted her, causing her upper lip to swell. As he was walking away, Samika pulled out a revolver. Jameel said ‘Go ahead and shoot me.” As he walked toward the front door, Samika fired one shot, striking the stairs in front of her. Jameel wasn’t in the direct line of fire but was in the immediate vicinity. Samika told police she was only firing a “warning shot” to keep her husband away. There is video footage of Jameel running out of the home immediately after the shot. According to Samika, before the incident, Jameel had pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at their son Ricky Smith.

De’Eric Clark charged with disorderly conduct after punching off-duty police officer at Whiskey Row

29-year-old De’Eric Clark was charged with disorderly conduct after fighting with security guards at Whiskey Row this weekend. Security guards flagged officers down and stated that Clark was attempting to take bottles from the VIP area and informed him that he needed to leave. Clark continued to be resistive and swatted at the security guards’ arms while they escorted him out. When they were able to remove him from Whiskey Row successfully, he turned around and punched an off-duty police officer in the chest. Officers arrived and placed Clark into custody for disorderly conduct and were advised that the off-duty officer would prosecute for the assault.

Raymond Arena jailed for public intoxication after being kicked out of Robert’s Western World

61-year-old Raymond Arena was jailed on Saturday after police were flagged down by security at Robert’s Western World on Broadway. Officers told police that Arena had been kicked out of the establishment for playing with the drums. He was visibly agitated, argumentative, and yelling. He admitted to drinking beers and stated he was “tipsy.” Arena became upset that the officers weren’t giving him water or allowing him to sober up. He told officers that he also hit some shelves and was singing into the microphone but didn’t believe that was cause to get kicked out. Due to the fact that Arena wouldn’t calm down officers believed he would continue his behavior and was taken into custody.

Justin Baldwin charged with domestic assault; “I’ll choke you out like I did before!”

27-year-old Justin Baldwin was jailed on Wednesday afternoon for threatening a woman on Myatt Drive. Amber Allen told police Baldwin had threatened her multiple times, stating, “I’ll choke you out like I did before” and “If you come over here, I’ll beat your ass, and it won’t end well.” As she drove away from the residence, Baldwin ran after the car with an unknown object in his hand. Due to the past domestic history between the two, Amber feared he would hurt her.

BreAnna Atkins charged with assaulting mother and sister during dispute

19-year-old BreAnna Atkins was involved in a domestic dispute with her mom, Miranda Haygood, and her little sister at their residence on East Old Hickory Blvd on October 27th. Haygood and her younger daughter spoke with deputies as they arrived and stated she was going to report Atkins for child abuse for letting her two-year-old son walk barefoot on the deck outside. In response to this, Atkins assaulted both her mother and her little sister, who tried to stop Atkins from attacking their mother. Officers observed red marks on Haygood’s chest and the little sister’s ear. Atkins admitted to assaulting Haygood and was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault.

April Lewis charged with disorderly conduct at Nashville International Airport

45-year-old April Lewis was jailed Friday morning at Nashville International Airport after TSA stopped her for improper identification. There was no verification for Ms. Lewis in all 50 states causing her to be denied access. This caused her to begin screaming at officers. Officers gave her a chance to calm down, but she continued being loud and started to walk away. The TSA checkpoint was heavily populated, and her behavior was stopping the flow of traffic; therefore, Ms. Lewis was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

DUI: Brandon Matute jailed after crashing into utility pole

22-year-old Brandon Matute was involved in a car accident in the early morning hours of October 30 on Briley Parkway. As the officers arrived, Matute told them another vehicle got in his way, causing him to crash into a telephone pole. Officers noticed the smell of alcohol on Matute’s breath as he admitted to having two beers, and when asked to perform sobriety tests, he replied, “It depends.” Matute reiterated that the wreck was not his fault, and he was taken into custody for suspicion of driving under the influence and was later charged with not having a valid driver’s license when officers tried to verify his identity.