DUI: Soldier Dustin Lehrke had five drinks and a muscle relaxer before driving

26-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Dustin Lehrke told police he had taken a muscle relaxer and drank five alcoholic beverages within the timespan of one hour as he traveled through a St. Patrick’s Day roadblock near Lewis County Store late Friday night. As he spoke with officer Groeneweg, he was “robotic” in his responses and showed multiple signs of intoxication. He performed poorly on two of the field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. A blood draw was completed at a nearby hospital.

Braidon Barbe — stripped naked to dance in the Symphony Fountain in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Braidon Barbe was one of several men completely naked in the fountain at 1 Symphony Place in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. He was without pants or undwear as Officer Groeneweg observed him exit the fountain and attempt to get dressed. He told officers, “I’m drunk!” and was taken into custody for public intoxication and public indecency.