Dipendra Bist drunkenly assaults wife, threatens to kill family & himself

39-year-old Dipendra Bist was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Kumari Joshi, at their Western Hills apartment on July 12th. When officers arrived, Joshi told them that Bist had consumed some alcohol when he woke up that morning, causing him to be aggressive toward her. During their interaction with each other, Bist took Joshi’s keys. In response to this, Joshi ran outside and called 911. Bist ran after her and chased her through the parking lot. Once Bist caught up to Joshi, he grabbed her phone so she couldn’t call 911. Bist grabbed Joshi by the arm and pulled her back inside the apartment. According to Joshi, once she and Bist were inside, he hit her in the head, pulled her hair, and hit her on her back. Joshi told officers that Bist found a knife she had hidden earlier in the day and started hitting it on the floor. Bist then began sharpening the knife with a stone while threatening to kill his family and himself. Bist also threatened to cut his wrists with the knife. Joshi and the children locked themselves in the room. While they were in the room, Bist told them he would take the car. Bist went back and forth in the parking lot around five times. Bist then yelled at their 11-year-old daughter to go to the store and buy him more alcohol. Bist eventually fell asleep, and Joshi was able to call 911. When officers talked to Bist, he told them that there were no threats or violence. Bist also stated that he only pulled Joshi back into the parking lot because he didn’t want her to leave. Dipendra Bist was taken into custody and charged with interfering with emergency call, false imprisonment, domestic assault, and three counts of aggravated assault.

Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatens to “put a cap” in man after car accident

22-year-old Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatened Robert Barnes after a car accident at the East Webster Street and South Gallatin Pike intersection on July 7th. Barnes was approached by the other involved driver, who advised that several people were responding to the accident. Espinoza Jr. arrived shortly after, approached Barnes, and started threatening him aggressively. Barnes said that he backed away from Espinoza Jr., which was when Espinoza Jr. yelled that he was going to “put a cap in” Barnes. Barnes stated that Espinoza Jr. then pulled out a black semi-automatic handgun from his right waistband and pointed it at Barnes. Barnes said he feared for his life and continued backing up toward his vehicle. The other involved driver and Several people who had arrived with Espinoza Jr. took his gun and put it in his car. Then, they told Espinoza Jr. he needed to leave the area because the police were on the way. Barnes stated Espinoza Jr. fled shortly after. Espinoza Jr. was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 11th.

Johnny Brown yells racial slurs while threatening man with BB Gun & Knife at Greyhound Bus Station

53-year-old Johnny William Brown had an altercation with Carl Greer in front of the Greyhound Bus Station around 3:20 p.m. on July 11th. Responding officers were advised that Brown and Greer had a dispute that escalated when Brown pulled out a knife. Brown threatened to kill Greer with it before displaying a firearm and pointing it at him while yelling racial slurs. Officers later learned that it was a BB gun that was loaded. When they arrived, Greer pointed out Brown, who was then detained. Then, officers spoke with a security guard, who corroborated Greer’s statement. During the investigation, they located the knife and BB gun in Brown’s backpack. Officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. Brown then admitted to drinking alcohol and was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

Ollie Curtis throws glass jar at boyfriend during drunken altercation

55-year-old Ollie Curtis was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Loy Mcvea, at their Banbury Drive residence on July 9th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Curtis, who stated that McVea had been upset that she was talking on the phone with her friend Eric. Curtis then told officers that McVea then tried to grab her phone. In response to this, she threw a glass cup at him but told officers that it did not hit him. Curtis then claimed that McVea dragged her outside by the arm and took her phone before striking her in the head. While Curtis was speaking with the officers, they noticed the smell of alcohol on her breath, as well as Curtis’ inability to link the events together. Officers then spoke with McVea, who informed officers that Curtis had been drinking since the previous night. McVea stated that she had randomly become angry and threw a Mason jar at him. McVea then told officers that he ducked, but the glass jar had hit him in his left shoulder before shattering on the ground. McVea also told officers that he would never hit a woman and that Curtis was lying about him dragging her. Officers noticed that McVea also appeared intoxicated as he showed indicators of intoxication via his slurred speech and the smell of alcohol coming from him. Due to the statements made and Curtis admitting to throwing the mason jar, she was deemed the primary aggressor. Curtis was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Charlotte Ratliff attempts to run woman off road, threatens her with gun during altercation

61-year-old Charlotte Ratliff had an altercation with Phyllis Anderson at Anderson’s Mountain Springs Road apartment on July 5th. Anderson told responding officers that as she left Larry’s on Murfreesboro Pike, Ratliff attempted to run her off the road several times with her black Jaguar. Then, Anderson explained that Ratliff was waiting for her as she arrived home. Anderson stated that Ratliff exited her vehicle and reached into her window with a gun, telling her she would kill her. Anderson told Ratliff that she has a grandson, to which Ratliff responded by saying “f*ck your grandson.” Then, as Ratliff went back to her car, Anderson took pictures of her plates before she drove off. Anderson stated that Ratliff returned and started banging on her garage door, attempting to enter. Erica Carter, a witness, corroborated Anderson’s statements and noted that she did not observe a firearm in Ratliff’s hand during the interaction. Ratliff was later taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 8th.

Tiffany Higgins attacks boyfriend with knife during argument over phone

27-year-old Tiffany Mahalia Higgins had a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Troy Williams, at her Bell Road apartment on June 25th. When officers arrived, Higgins and Williams mentioned an earlier incident that occurred late May 29th. At the time, they were dating and having relationship difficulties. Higgins stated that Williams had come over to her apartment to talk. Williams allegedly took her phone during their conversation, put it in his bag, and tried to leave. This prompted Higgins to attempt to retrieve the phone. Williams then grabbed her hand forcefully, leaving her in pain and causing her to release the bag. Higgins explained that she went to the kitchen, picked up a knife, and held it by her side, intending to intimidate Williams. Higgins noted that she kept the knife at her side the entire interaction. Williams told officers that while they struggled over the bag, Higgins grabbed a knife from the kitchen. Williams stated that she lunged at him in a threatening manner. Williams explained that he only grabbed and squeezed her hand until she dropped the knife. Williams added that he feared getting stabbed during the altercation. Following the altercation, Williams reported that he picked up the knife and used it to damage Higgins’ vehicle. A warrant was issued for Higgins’ arrest on June 26th. Higgins was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 8th.

Andrew Smith strangles man multiple times during altercation at Airbnb

35-year-old Andrew Smith was caught after strangling Cory Kline while at a Wedgewood Avenue AirBnB on July 6th. When the officers arrived at the scene, Kline informed them that he had been assaulted by Smith, whom he identified to them. Kline told the officers that he was from Indiana and had come to the residence, which was an Airbnb, with some family and friends meeting for the first time. Kline informed the officers that he had met Smith earlier that day and that they had no previous relationship. Kline also told officers that Smith had been drinking throughout the day and had become verbally hostile toward other people at the gathering. According to Kline, he was upstairs when he heard a loud noise that he believed was coming from downstairs. Kline then proceeded to investigate but could not locate the noise. Smith then came downstairs with other party members and began cursing Kline out. Kline told the officers that Smith had called him a “b*tch” and then got into his face. Feeling threatened, Kline pushed Smith away lightly, telling him to sleep it off and go to bed.

Smith responded to this by grabbing Kline by his throat with his left hand. Kline noted that Smith applied pressure and pushed him up against the counter of the kitchen, strangling him for a few seconds. Kline then informed the officers that Smith attempted to punch him in the face but ended up hitting his hands as he tried to block the strike. Officers noticed Kline had a small cut on his index finger. Smith then put Kline in a headlock, causing his glasses to fall off. Kline then struck Smith in the face. Kline said he tried to defend himself as they both fell to the ground at the edge of the stairs. He told officers that he felt as though Smith was trying to push him down the stairs before they both fell. Kline stated that while on the ground, Smith began strangling him again before other members of the gathering pulled Smith off of him. Smith left the scene before the officers arrived. Officers also spoke with Heidi Bollero-Hensel, who witnessed the altercation and provided an unbiased account of what happened, supporting Kline’s statements. Smith was considered the primary aggressor and was arrested the next day for aggravated assault on July 7th.

Jevaughn Green beats husband in head with 5 pound golden elephant statue

22-year-old Jevaughn Green was involved in a domestic altercation with his husband, Threishaun Wade-Burnett, at a Cottage View Lane residence on July 3rd. Ameeka Burnett, a witness, notified officers that Green and her son were in an altercation at the residence, which was heard by dispatch in the background. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Threishaun bleeding from the right side of his head before speaking with him. Threishaun told officers he was at the location to collect his belongings because he and Green were ending their relationship. Officers noticed Ameeka loading moving boxes and other items into a vehicle before speaking with her. Ameeka claimed she was at the residence and saw Green provoking a conflict with instigative comments. Ameeka also stated that she noticed Green put his phone to his ear and purposely bumped into Threishaun, telling him, “Don’t hit me.” Ameeka claimed she had foreseen something terrible would happen, so she contacted officers for help.

Ameeka informed the officers that Green then attacked Threishaun by pushing and hitting him with his hands before grabbing a heavy object and striking him with it. Officers then asked Threishaun what had happened. Threishaun stated he saw Green grab a golden metal decorative elephant that weighed 3 to 5 pounds and begin swinging it at his head. Threishaun, however, attempted to stay away from the elephant but stated that he was struck at least once in the head during the assault. Threishaun then grabbed Green and wrestled him onto the couch to hold him down in self-defense. The two were separated by neighbors and family before the officers’ arrival. Officers noticed redness and swelling on numerous parts of Threishaun’s body. Officers then saw the abrasions and lacerations to Threishaun’s forehead and elbow. Ameeka told officers that she observed Threishaun bleeding from the head and Green holding the golden elephant in his hands. Threishaun and Ameeka identified the elephant the officers, which was sitting out of place on the kitchen counter, as the weapon that was used during the assault. Due to the witness observations and Threishaun’s injuries, Green was subsequently taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Tyrun Woods throws, punches, & strangles ex-girlfriend multiple times during altercation

26-year-old Tyrun Woods was seen strangling his ex-girlfriend, Jaylen Pollard, at her South 6th Street apartment residence on June 28th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Pollard, who stated that while she was lying in her bed, Woods, her child’s father, came into the room and thumped her on her cheek. This upset Pollard, so she hit him on the back of his head, prompting Woods to grab one of her arms and hold her face down on the bed. When Woods refused to let Pollard up, she bit him to make him let her go. Once Woods let her go, he proceeded to throw Pollard onto the floor, pull her up, and throw her again into a wall. Woods then stood Pollard up and began to punch her in the face. Pollard claims after the punches, Woods proceeded to put her in a chokehold, restricting her breathing for 8-9 seconds. Pollard told officers that she had difficulty breathing and almost lost consciousness. Pollard stated to get Woods to stop, she had to bite his arm.

When Pollard tried to get away, Woods began strangling her again, prompting Pollard to scream, “Call the Police!” to her sister, who was in the other room. After around 3 seconds, Woods let her go and told Pollard, “I’m going to give you something to call the police about,” before getting dressed and leaving for work. Pollard sustained a bloody nose and a cut inside her upper lip from the attack that officers observed. A day later, on June 29th, Pollard called the officers back to the residence and informed them that when she returned from Kentucky, she noticed Woods inside her residence. Pollard claims she decided to drive around due to being assaulted by Woods the night before and did not want to have another altercation with him. When Woods had left, she went inside her home and noticed all her furniture had been moved. Pollard then noticed that both her flat-screen TVs had been destroyed. The estimated damage to the TVs was $800, and Woods was deemed the primary aggressor. A warrant was issued, and Woods was taken into custody for aggravated assault and vandalism on July 3rd.
When Pollard tried to get away, Woods began strangling her again, prompting Pollard to scream, “Call the Police!” to her sister, who was in the other room. After around 3 seconds, Woods let her go and told Pollard, “I’m going to give you something to call the police about,” before getting dressed and leaving for work. Pollard sustained a bloody nose and a cut inside her upper lip from the attack that officers observed. A day later, on June 29th, Pollard called the officers back to the residence and informed them that when she returned from Kentucky, she noticed Woods inside her residence. Pollard claims she decided to drive around due to being assaulted by Woods the night before and did not want to have another altercation with him. When Woods had left, she went inside her home and noticed all her furniture had been moved. Pollard then noticed that both her flat-screen TVs had been destroyed. The estimated damage to the TVs was $800, and Woods was deemed the primary aggressor. A warrant was issued, and Woods was taken into custody for aggravated assault and vandalism on July 3rd.

Jason Carden hits roommate with gun because he doesn’t pay rent

46-year-old Jason Carden was involved in an altercation with his roommate, Micheal Murphy, at their Roundwood Forest Drive residence on July 1st. When officers arrived, they heard a struggle inside the residence and banged on the door until Carden answered. Carden explained to officers that the altercation began when he provided Murphy with a 30-day notice, leading Murphy to become agitated and charge at him. Sometime during the fight, Carden used his firearm to strike Murphy in the head in an attempt to subdue him until the officers arrived. Officers then spoke with Murphy, who stated that he had mentioned fixing the ice machine to Carden, as he believed he was entitled to that accommodation due to paying rent. In response, Carden became angry and aimed his firearm at Murphy, making him feel threatened. Murphy claimed that Carden grabbed him around the neck and struck his head multiple times with the gun until the officers arrived. Murphy sustained a significant head injury with bleeding. Officers determined that Carden was the primary aggressor and subsequently was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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