Kolton Leeper punches driver in face after drunken rage in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Kolton Leeper faces a multitude of criminal charges after a night of drinking in downtown Nashville. Police say Leeper, from Lebanon and the son of locally known roofing company owner Tim Leeper, was asked to leave the 5th &Broadway area due to walking in the middle of the road and having altercations with others. He then approached a vehicle, which had stopped to avoid hitting him, and punched the driver in the face after striking the car multiple times with his fists.

Darius Harris jailed after carrying firearm in downtown Nashville while using drugs & drinking

26-year-old Darius Xavier Harris was a Margaritaville in downtown Nashville Friday night with female companions and a gun tucked into a holster on his waistband. Throughout the night, Harris indulged in the use of narcotics and alcohol, and as they were leaving the venue, one of the women took his gun from him and secured it in her possession due to his level of intoxication. A concerned citizen had observed Harris with the gun and contacted police, who arrived to find them on the sidewalk. As they secured the weapon, Harris became increasingly intoxicated and appeared to be overdosing. He was treated with Narcan and became coherent again. Officers attempted to issue him a citation, but he refused to sign it.

Austin McIntosh: too drunk for downtown Nashville

23-year-old Austin McIntosh suddenly jumped in front of Metro Nashville Police officers who were walking to a medic UTV in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. He began to yell and scream and was visibly intoxicated. Attempts to get him medical assistance or locate his friends or hotel were all unsuccessful. He continued to be disorderly in the roadway and was taken into custody.

Louie Tumminia jailed after drunkenly pulling on door handles of cop cars in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Louis Tumminia was pulling on the door handles of parked patrol cars belonging to Metro Nashville Police late Saturday night in front of Ole Red in downtown Nashville. Officers observed his behavior and noted he appeared to be extremely intoxicated. Attempts to locate his friends or a safe ride home were unsuccessful, and Tumminia was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Ryan Kennie charged after brawl at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Ryan Kennie faces a half-dozen charges after a brawl in the early hours of Saturday morning at Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Officers responded to 307 Broadway to break up a fight that was spilling onto the sidewalk outside the venue. During the struggle to separate parties, Kennie kicked a police Sergeant in the leg, rolled over an offer’s hand by force, kicked an officer, breaking his body-work camera, and eventually puked in the back of a patrol car once he was hobble-restrained in custody. Kennie was transported to Metro General for medical clearance and then to booking.