Finance Bro charged after getting rough and rowdy on Broadway— Todd Feager arrested

Metro Nashville Police officers observed 40-year-old Top Flite Financial Division ManagerTodd Feager roughhousing and fighting on Broadway in downtown Nashville with a group of other individuals after a night of drinking described as “at a high rate of consumption for several hours”. Due to his level of intoxication and careless behavior on the streets in public he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication. 

Daniel Caraballo found intoxicated in airport hotel lobby with pants undone

Police were called to the Hilton Airport on Elm Hill Pike after staff complained that 35-year-old Daniel Caraballo was extremely intoxicated and refusing to leave the property. Officers arrived to find him asleep in the hotel lobby with his pants undone. After they woke him up and escorted him outside he struggled to stand on his own and swayed from side to side. Unable to leave him to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Sharon Heaton found passed out in front of stranger’s apartment door she thought was her own

Metro Police say 24-year-old Sharon Heaton was trying to enter an apartment that wasn’t hers on Sunday. The actual resident of the apartment believed someone was attempting to break into their home and called 911. Officers arrived to find Heaton passed out on the ground in front of the apartment door. She eventually regained some awareness, but was still extremely intoxicated and was a danger to herself and others. She refused medical services, and with no one else to care for her, was booked into jail, charged with public intoxication.

Canadian TikToking Trucker Samuel Plourde found drunk and lying in roadway; laughed when asked how much he drank

24-year-old Canadian Trucker Samuel Plourde, who has a substantial following on Tiktok, was found lying in the middle of the right turn lane of Woodland Street just after 4 a.m. Thursday. Nashville Police say he reeked of an “extreme odor” of alcohol, and just laughed uncontrollably when asked how much he had to drink. His social media shows he left for Nashville on March 7th and had since arrived and parked his truck nearby. #Video in story

UPDATE: Charges dropped against Husband, Wife released from DCS Custody — Cops had wrong birthdate

In a major update to the story we published yesterday about a refugee couple being separated by Metro Nashville Police, who charged the husband with felony statutory rape and committed the wife to DCS Custody, we have just learned that all charges are being dropped and the wife is being released from DCS custody. Metro Nashville Police say there was an error in determining her date of birth, which was actually in 2003, not 2006, making her 18-years-old, soon to be 19.

21-year-old vs. Downtown Nashville drink pours: Taylor Murray charged with public intoxication

On 01/08/2022 at 2128 hours the defendant, Taylor Murray, was observed on 2nd Av S near Broadway. The defendant was seated slumped over on the sidewalk when officers approached her to see why she was on the ground. Officers detected the strong odor of alcohol expelling from the defendant’s breath when she spoke. The defendant was unsteady on her feet, had bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech, and was unable to care for herself. Due to the defendant’s high level of intoxication, it was determined she was a danger to herself and others.

Taylor was arrested and charged with public intoxication.

19-year-old charged with public intoxication in Downtown Nashville — Josual Daniel Williams

19-year-old Josual Daniel Williams, of Ashland City, was found absolutely intoxicated beyond safety while yelling, screaming, and attempting to fight others on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. He admitted to only being 19 and stated he had been out drinking throughout the downtown bars all night long. Officers asked him to stop yelling and being so disorderly, however, he refused and continued to escalate the level of his annoyance to the general public. Williams was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Broadway bars claim another tourist in the big city — Amanda Girard charged with public intoxication

Metro Nasvhille Police found 37-year-old tourist Amanda Girard sitting on a downtown sidewalk crying for an unknown reason. She stated she had been out drinking while celebrating a friend’s birthday. Observing that she was entirely too intoxicated to care for herself, police offered her a medical ride to the hospital, transport to her hotel, or to assist her in finding her friends – all of which she explicitly refused. Officers noted she was belligerent with them during the entire interaction, making threats to them and other citizens downtown. After all other options were exhausted, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Tourist charged with underage drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville — Lane McAlister

Just before 2 a.m. on a Saturday in October, Metro Nashville Police were approached about a 20-year-old tourist from Arkansas who was openly drinking alcoholic drinks at 312 Broadway. The minor, identified as Lane McAlister, admitted to the underage drinking and was issued a citation charging him with underage drinking at 1:47 a.m. and the officers went about their nightly duties. The district attorney, however, refused to continue the prosecution and nolled the case once he was processed on the charge.